B.PUBLIC joins Friends of Architecture Santa Fe for PechaKucha
VOL. 7 PROFIT · Wednesday, July 22 @ 6 PM
Join emcee, architect, and FASF President Anthony Guida, for a multi-faceted consideration of this contentious word—Profit. Our presenters—ranging from heritage developer to nectar nomad, drystone mason, nonprofit architecture firm, manufacturer, urban planner, and creative director—share how they have invested and reaped the rewards. They will also challenge the current definition of profit and argue its significance, reframing the paradigm of wealth.
Edie Dillman of B.PUBLIC speaks to the theme of “Profit” without measuring the social, environmental impacts of how those profits were made is not the full picture. How do we flip that? How do we look at reduction—in wasted materials, harmful products, energy consumption, as the true measure of our success? This is where our power is—flipping our harmful and rigid business practices to carbon positive solutions that prove that profit and growth can be sustainable for generations to come. When buildings account for 39% of our carbon emission—11% in materials and 28% in the energy they consume—we must evolve the way we build for good, and we are.