Low energy is just the beginning.
HomeS with Performance at the core Plans
The B.PUBLIC Prefab component system is designed and assembled to create a building’s structure & thermal envelope. B.PUBLIC panels utilize code-compliant wood framing & sheathing. The system is thermal-bridge-free, vapor-open, air-tight, and super-insulated with dense-packed cellulose. The panels are wrapped and sealed with air and weather-resistant barriers. The panelized building blocks of Floor, Wall, and Top components work together to create a structural shell ready to be finished with interior.
B.PUBLIC designs for year-round thermal comfort with ease and less energy. What could be more luxurious than being comfortably barefoot at home in the winter?
When your building is temperature-stable and energy efficient, it is easy to stay safe and comfortable through adverse weather events and power disruptions.
B.PUBLIC building envelopes are designed to be airtight and paired with advanced ventilation systems that constantly replenish the home with fresh air.
Clean air means the continuous removal of CO2, unpleasant odors, allergens, and excess moisture.
The intentional, year-round control of air-flow offers energy-saving benefits while nourishing a home with life-sustaining air.
B.PUBLIC homes are quiet; an invisibly and luxurious amenity of Super-insulated walls paired with high-performance windows.
A recent survey of 1,200 Americans pointed to noisy neighbors as the #1 complaint. Let’s make our communities enjoyable by building quiet homes.
B.PUBLIC homes are flexible in design and styles. The technical amenities are invisible and the building’s unique character is what you see and experience.
Regional exterior finishes are in the hands of the homeowner and builder. From stucco to wood siding and flat to pitched roofs, anything is possible.
Interior styles are limitless within the square corners and deep-set windows of our thick exterior walls.
B.PUBLIC’s conservation-first building approach is designed to use little, last longer, and run on small electric systems that pull significantly less from the grid.
Our homes require 80-90% less energy while providing consistent and enjoyable indoor temperatures.
A building envelope that is well-insulated, air-tight, and thermal-bridge-free creates value that will last for generations.
Designed with energy efficient electric appliances in mind.
B.PUBLIC’S building envelope is constructed with wood and dense-packed cellulose insulation that is 86% post-consumer recycled newsprint.
Our panels are wrapped in best-in-class weather barriers and air-barriers to ensure robust performance and protection from the elements.
B.PUBLIC homes welcome natural light. The sun assists in heating and lighting a home effortlessly and beautifully by maximizing indirect light to reduce glare.
Unlike Passive Solar, the Passive House approach allows for a building’s orientation to be flexible without focusing exclusively on the southern exposure,
B.PUBLIC homes are designed for the next generations. The ability to repair, renovate, and add to our structures, without sacrificing the integrity of materials or performance, increases long-term resilience and the cradle-to-grave life-cycle of our buildings.
Building today for increased weather volatility, energy insecurity, and more rigorous building standards is not only a good investment., it is positive climate action.
Our homes are built to last, with an estimated lifespan of at least 100 years.
Heating & Cooling | Efficient and minimalist cooling and heating systems
Windows & Doors | High-performance windows and doors for maximum comfort
Ventilation | ERV systems continuously replenish the home with fresh, clean air
Electric Appliances | Safe, stylish, and efficient appliances to meet your everyday needs
Solar Ready | Solar can be integrated effortlessly for net-zero needs
B.PUBLIC High-Performance Building Envelope | Roof: R-60 & R-80 Walls: R-35 & R-52 Floor: R-51
** B.PUBLIC Prefab components are designed and engineered with PassivHaus performance in mind. We are not certifiers, nor is this a certified product but we provide the performance data to model and support certification. We apply best practices to reduce builder error, empower more professionals to design with performance envelopes, and support CPHCs in certifying.