A Fast, flexible & effective solution for high-performance green building
B.PUBLIC standardized and prefabricated wall/floor/roof system creates High-Performance Building Envelopes that are predictable in performance, cost, and delivery. The “lego-like components” work together to create an envelope that is ready to be finished with interior and exterior materials, allowing for aesthetic and regionally appropriate treatments and customization.
We offer onboarding, technical assistance, and sales support to specify our components. We understand that there is a growing desire to adopt off-site construction but there are many questions and time to learn new ways of designing and building and we are here to help. Let’s go greener - we are here to support your team. Connect with us for more information and to be added to our ecosystem of green leaders.
Series D updates include a fully adhered weather barrier on the wall and top panels. Exterior furring strips are now an option and are no longer standard on wall panels.
The B.PUBLIC Prefab component system is designed and assembled to create a building’s structure & thermal envelope. B.PUBLIC panels utilize code-compliant wood framing & sheathing. The system is thermal-bridge-free, vapor-open, air-tight, and super-insulated with dense-packed cellulose. The panels are wrapped and sealed with air and weather-resistant barriers. The panelized building blocks of Floor, Wall, and Top components work together to create a structural shell ready to be finished with interior and exterior finishes. Our team is trained to support professionals designing with B.PUBLIC components. Standard kit-of-parts and custom sizes of our assembly for every project up to three stories. Yes, custom roof panels are available for pitched and shed profiles.