

Please send all questions and comments here. You can also make press inquiries or request a longer meeting with the team. We often present webinars, speak at conferences, and participate in community projects. Feel free to reach-out here.



Become a partner and join our builder network!

Email questions or to request an orientation meeting to learn how you can build with B.PUBLIC Panels and how you can earn new clients by offering the highest standard of green without the headaches.


Architects + Designers

Become a partner and join our design community!

Join an orientation meeting to learn how you can design with B.PUBLIC Panels and how you can earn new clients by offering the highest standard of green with fewer headaches, predictable costs, and high performance.



Request a meeting or email questions. We have special pricing for multiple homes and multi-family projects. We can help your design team specify our panels or help you put together a team appropriate for your projects. Lasting green benefits - lower maintenance - permanent energy reduction - and doing the right thing!

Home Dreamers

Please complete this form to tell us about your project.


Seeking innovators, fresh-thinkers, and hard-working folks to join our team.


B.PUBLIC Prefab:
Design Studio & Showroom

900 W San Mateo Rd, Suite 500
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Monday-Friday 9-5

(505) 230-4010

For Workshop Tours at our
Las Vegas, New Mexico Facility
Email an appointment request